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Security Preventions For E-Commerce Websites

Security Preventions For E-Commerce Websites

Security preventionsfor e-commerce sites are among the things that should be done for the website to provide trust and perfect operation in the long term. The security issue is a point to be considered not only for e-commerce sites but also for all sites in general. But in this article, we will talk about the security preventions that should be taken only for e-commerce sites.

Before enumerating the security preventions, let us state that the server (company) you choose is very important at the point of service standards and industry experience. When making your choice, make sure that your server provider company has the speed of technical support, whether there is a backup service and that the hosting it will offer you has the latest technological infrastructures and software.

SSL for E-Commerce Security

The logic in this security method is as follows; Information from the customer on the payment pages is transmitted by encrypting with the internationally valid encryption method. Thus, the security of credit card information is ensured. Already banks are in Turkey for the virtual POS necessarily ask that the SSL certificate. If you don’t have an SSL certificate, get it right away. You can get detailed information from our article titled What is SSL and you can decide which SSL type you prefer.


It is among the main criteria required to prevent possible attacks on your site. Basically, threats that can harm the site are more prevented.


This system provides backup security against the possibility of deleting the contents, images and other information on your website. Thus, even if you experience data loss problems, you will have a continuous assurance as a backup.


With these features on the server, possible threats to your site are detected and eliminated instantly. This is why the server security issue we mentioned at the beginning is important.

The 4 items we mentioned above are among the indispensables. Well, if you say these items are okay, what else can we do?

Site Security in E-Commerce Sites

Regardless of the type of software used in e-commerce sites, it must be installed on the server after security scans. Although some servers have antivirus scanning features, it may be healthier to scan files with externally licensed security programs and then upload them to the server.

Don’t Use Warez Themes

Stay away from warez designs that are generally preferred by beginners or amateur entrepreneurs at the point of e-commerce. Warez designs are actually the name given to structures that are paid but are distributed free of charge by others on the internet. Most Warez builds contain adware or malware hidden in the background. For this reason, you will not want the data on your e-commerce site to be used by another source, and you will not have to advertise others without knowing. Don’t be afraid to spend money on investments that you think will make money.

Be constantly up to date

Software infrastructures are constantly updating themselves and releasing new versions. In this case, there may be security vulnerabilities in the old versions, as well as functional problems. For this reason, keep your infrastructure constantly updated and always renew yourself. Thus, you will not only add quality to your business but also improve yourself continuously to improve the user experience.

Do Not Share Your Information With Anyone

We actually skip this point most of the time. Do not share your website’s administration or server information with anyone. If there are viruses on the computers used to log in to the administration panel, this may also create problems for your site. For this reason, the computer on which you manage your site must be safe. You can trust individuals, but we recommend that you be skeptical about computers.

We have briefly touched on the points you need to pay attention to on your E Commerce site. You can be sure that we will add if the points we forgot come to mind.

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