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What is on Page SEO Optimization ?


What is on Page Optimization?

Page optimization refers to doing optimization directly on a specific web page to get better search engine rankings. Optimization can be done on the page that customer can see or in the code section or in any part of the invisible page. Page optimization is done on the html page or html file. Sometimes Html page or file is not implemented in optimization techniques and measures directly on it; this refers to off page optimization. By doing off page optimization you will get better result in search engine rankings.

Optimization defines that it is a process or making a decision, system or design with effective, perfect or functional as possible. At SubashSEO, we refers this term as achieving better search engine ranking by using some optimization techniques, making perfect web page content, changing navigation as easy to use and produce effective ranking by using keywords research analysis.


Key Optimization Methodology

It is important to remember that methodology for page optimization is no one can access to search engine algorithms even those who write on them. Nobody knows about the perfect optimization to rank a page number first in all search engines. Some companies uses standard page optimization techniques to get better search engine rankings. Some others constantly test live variations of these new techniques to keep up with ever changing algorithms to produce effective and consistent results. Without concentrating on algorithms there are some page optimization techniques can be followed. They are keywords, Images and ALT tags, Linking and Page coding.



Keywords are very important to get better search engine ranking through page optimization and it should be chosen correctly. Keyword can be set as a word or collection of words that you associate with your web page so that it gets link with the search engine results page. For example, if your site has many online games you want your site to be listed in the search engine results page when someone typed as “online games” in a search engine. Here an online game is a keyword that is used. When you are choosing keyword should consider some factors such as specific keywords that people search, selecting specific keyword phrases, selecting competitive keywords, traffic patterns and conversion probability. You can choose at least 3 to 4 keywords to your web page. After choosing keyword through the keyword research, next is implementing the chosen keywords. By placing chosen keywords in your web page helps you to achieve better result in search engine ranking when someone searches for it. All keywords should include in the first paragraph of the content. Some search engines give more weight to the visible content and not for the coding. Constant live checking your keyword is the only solution to achieve top search engine ranking.


Images and ALT Tags

In page optimization all concentrates more on the content rather than the images. Some SEO professionals said that naming your gifs and jpegs images helps you to achieve better search engine ranking. You can also give hyperlinks to your images as like that of your keywords. Naming images and ALT tags adds more benefit to your web page but it should used minimally.



Linking is one of the factors of page optimization. Creating a real site map will help you when your site is indexed. A site map shows the hierarchy of your web page and the text that links your web page with the web content. Internal linking within your web pages will increase your site ranking and it works better when keyword in related to the web content.


Page Coding

Next page coding is also important factor in page optimization. Always Html coding is recommended for web page because it is easiest to read and categorize. First tag is the title tag that represent the head section of the code it should contain your keyword. Next tag is the Meta tag that is web content includes keyword. Use less page coding on a web page so that it is easy for spiders to read and index your web page. Page optimization technique has web authoring tools that clean up the code and gives rid to your code. To get better search engine rankings check whether your web page loads quick and clean.

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